Source code for dagster_snowflake.resources

import sys
import warnings
from contextlib import closing, contextmanager
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union

import dagster._check as check
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from dagster import resource
from dagster._annotations import public
from import SqlDbConnection

from .configs import define_snowflake_config

    import snowflake.connector
except ImportError:
    msg = (
        "Could not import snowflake.connector. This could mean you have an incompatible version "
        "of azure-storage-blob installed. dagster-snowflake requires azure-storage-blob<12.0.0; "
        "this conflicts with dagster-azure which requires azure-storage-blob~=12.0.0 and is "
        "incompatible with dagster-snowflake. Please uninstall dagster-azure and reinstall "
        "dagster-snowflake to fix this error."

[docs]class SnowflakeConnection: """A connection to Snowflake that can execute queries. In general this class should not be directly instantiated, but rather used as a resource in an op or asset via the :py:func:`snowflake_resource`. """ def __init__(self, config: Mapping[str, str], log): # Extract parameters from resource config. Note that we can't pass None values to # snowflake.connector.connect() because they will override the default values set within the # connector; remove them from the conn_args dict. self.connector = config.get("connector", None) self.sqlalchemy_engine_args = {} # there are three different ways to authenticate with snowflake, we need to ensure that only # one method is provided auths_set = 0 auths_set += 1 if config.get("password", None) is not None else 0 auths_set += 1 if config.get("private_key", None) is not None else 0 auths_set += 1 if config.get("private_key_path", None) is not None else 0 # ensure at least 1 method is provided check.invariant( auths_set > 0, ( "Missing config: Password or private key authentication required for Snowflake" " resource." ), ) # ensure that only 1 method is provided check.invariant( auths_set == 1, ( "Incorrect config: Cannot provide both password and private key authentication to" " Snowflake Resource." ), ) if self.connector == "sqlalchemy": self.conn_args: Dict[str, Any] = { k: config.get(k) for k in ( "account", "user", "password", "database", "schema", "role", "warehouse", "cache_column_metadata", "numpy", ) if config.get(k) is not None } if ( config.get("private_key", None) is not None or config.get("private_key_path", None) is not None ): # sqlalchemy passes private key args separately, so store them in a new dict self.sqlalchemy_engine_args["private_key"] = self.__snowflake_private_key(config) else: self.conn_args = { k: config.get(k) for k in ( "account", "user", "password", "database", "schema", "role", "warehouse", "autocommit", "client_prefetch_threads", "client_session_keep_alive", "login_timeout", "network_timeout", "ocsp_response_cache_filename", "validate_default_parameters", "paramstyle", "timezone", "authenticator", ) if config.get(k) is not None } if ( config.get("private_key", None) is not None or config.get("private_key_path", None) is not None ): self.conn_args["private_key"] = self.__snowflake_private_key(config) self.autocommit = self.conn_args.get("autocommit", False) self.log = log def __snowflake_private_key(self, config) -> bytes: private_key = config.get("private_key", None) # If the user has defined a path to a private key, we will use that. if config.get("private_key_path", None) is not None: # read the file from the path. with open(config.get("private_key_path"), "rb") as key: private_key = kwargs = {} if config.get("private_key_password", None) is not None: kwargs["password"] = config["private_key_password"].encode() p_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(private_key, backend=default_backend(), **kwargs) pkb = p_key.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.DER, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption(), ) return pkb
[docs] @public @contextmanager def get_connection( self, raw_conn: bool = True ) -> Iterator[Union[SqlDbConnection, snowflake.connector.SnowflakeConnection]]: """Gets a connection to Snowflake as a context manager. If using the execute_query, execute_queries, or load_table_from_local_parquet methods, you do not need to create a connection using this context manager. Args: raw_conn (bool): If using the sqlalchemy connector, you can set raw_conn to True to create a raw connection. Defaults to True. Examples: .. code-block:: python @op(required_resource_keys={"snowflake"}) def get_query_status(context, query_id): with context.resources.snowflake.get_connection() as conn: # conn is a Snowflake Connection object or a SQLAlchemy Connection if # sqlalchemy is specified as the connector in the Snowflake Resource config return conn.get_query_status(query_id) """ if self.connector == "sqlalchemy": from snowflake.sqlalchemy import URL from sqlalchemy import create_engine engine = create_engine(URL(**self.conn_args), connect_args=self.sqlalchemy_engine_args) conn = engine.raw_connection() if raw_conn else engine.connect() yield conn conn.close() engine.dispose() else: conn = snowflake.connector.connect(**self.conn_args) yield conn if not self.autocommit: conn.commit() conn.close()
[docs] @public def execute_query( self, sql: str, parameters: Optional[Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[Any, Any]]] = None, fetch_results: bool = False, use_pandas_result: bool = False, ): """Execute a query in Snowflake. Args: sql (str): the query to be executed parameters (Optional[Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[Any, Any]]]): Parameters to be passed to the query. See fetch_results (bool): If True, will return the result of the query. Defaults to False. If True and use_pandas_result is also True, results will be returned as a Pandas DataFrame. use_pandas_result (bool): If True, will return the result of the query as a Pandas DataFrame. Defaults to False. If fetch_results is False and use_pandas_result is True, an error will be raised. Returns: The result of the query if fetch_results or use_pandas_result is True, otherwise returns None Examples: .. code-block:: python @op(required_resource_keys={"snowflake"}) def drop_database(context): context.resources.snowflake.execute_query( "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS MY_DATABASE" ) """ check.str_param(sql, "sql") check.opt_inst_param(parameters, "parameters", (list, dict)) check.bool_param(fetch_results, "fetch_results") if not fetch_results and use_pandas_result: check.failed("If use_pandas_result is True, fetch_results must also be True.") with self.get_connection() as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: if sys.version_info[0] < 3: sql = sql.encode("utf-8")"Executing query: " + sql) parameters = dict(parameters) if isinstance(parameters, Mapping) else parameters cursor.execute(sql, parameters) if use_pandas_result: return cursor.fetch_pandas_all() if fetch_results: return cursor.fetchall()
[docs] @public def execute_queries( self, sql_queries: Sequence[str], parameters: Optional[Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[Any, Any]]] = None, fetch_results: bool = False, use_pandas_result: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Sequence[Any]]: """Execute multiple queries in Snowflake. Args: sql_queries (str): List of queries to be executed in series parameters (Optional[Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[Any, Any]]]): Parameters to be passed to every query. See fetch_results (bool): If True, will return the results of the queries as a list. Defaults to False. If True and use_pandas_result is also True, results will be returned as Pandas DataFrames. use_pandas_result (bool): If True, will return the results of the queries as a list of a Pandas DataFrames. Defaults to False. If fetch_results is False and use_pandas_result is True, an error will be raised. Returns: The results of the queries as a list if fetch_results or use_pandas_result is True, otherwise returns None Examples: .. code-block:: python @op(required_resource_keys={"snowflake"}) def create_fresh_database(context): queries = ["DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS MY_DATABASE", "CREATE DATABASE MY_DATABASE"] context.resources.snowflake.execute_queries( sql_queries=queries ) """ check.sequence_param(sql_queries, "sql_queries", of_type=str) check.opt_inst_param(parameters, "parameters", (list, dict)) check.bool_param(fetch_results, "fetch_results") if not fetch_results and use_pandas_result: check.failed("If use_pandas_result is True, fetch_results must also be True.") results: List[Any] = [] with self.get_connection() as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: for raw_sql in sql_queries: sql = raw_sql.encode("utf-8") if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else raw_sql"Executing query: " + sql) parameters = dict(parameters) if isinstance(parameters, Mapping) else parameters cursor.execute(sql, parameters) if use_pandas_result: results = results.append(cursor.fetch_pandas_all()) # type: ignore elif fetch_results: results.append(cursor.fetchall()) return results if len(results) > 0 else None
[docs] @public def load_table_from_local_parquet(self, src: str, table: str): """Stores the content of a parquet file to a Snowflake table. Args: src (str): the name of the file to store in Snowflake table (str): the name of the table to store the data. If the table does not exist, it will be created. Otherwise the contents of the table will be replaced with the data in src Examples: .. code-block:: python import pandas as pd import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.parquet as pq @op(required_resource_keys={"snowflake"}) def write_parquet_file(context): df = pd.DataFrame({"one": [1, 2, 3], "ten": [11, 12, 13]}) table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df) pq.write_table(table, "example.parquet') context.resources.snowflake.load_table_from_local_parquet( src="example.parquet", table="MY_TABLE" ) """ check.str_param(src, "src") check.str_param(table, "table") sql_queries = [ "CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE {table} ( data VARIANT DEFAULT NULL);".format(table=table), "CREATE OR REPLACE FILE FORMAT parquet_format TYPE = 'parquet';", "PUT {src} @%{table};".format(src=src, table=table), "COPY INTO {table} FROM @%{table} FILE_FORMAT = (FORMAT_NAME = 'parquet_format');" .format(table=table), ] self.execute_queries(sql_queries)
[docs]@resource( config_schema=define_snowflake_config(), description="This resource is for connecting to the Snowflake data warehouse", ) def snowflake_resource(context): """A resource for connecting to the Snowflake data warehouse. The returned resource object is an instance of :py:class:`SnowflakeConnection`. A simple example of loading data into Snowflake and subsequently querying that data is shown below: Examples: .. code-block:: python from dagster import job, op from dagster_snowflake import snowflake_resource @op(required_resource_keys={'snowflake'}) def get_one(context): context.resources.snowflake.execute_query('SELECT 1') @job(resource_defs={'snowflake': snowflake_resource}) def my_snowflake_job(): get_one() my_snowflake_job.execute_in_process( run_config={ 'resources': { 'snowflake': { 'config': { 'account': {'env': 'SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT'}, 'user': {'env': 'SNOWFLAKE_USER'}, 'password': {'env': 'SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD'}, 'database': {'env': 'SNOWFLAKE_DATABASE'}, 'schema': {'env': 'SNOWFLAKE_SCHEMA'}, 'warehouse': {'env': 'SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE'}, } } } } ) """ return SnowflakeConnection(context.resource_config, context.log)
def _filter_password(args): """Remove password from connection args for logging.""" return {k: v for k, v in args.items() if k != "password"}