Source code for dagster_dbt.rpc.resources

import json
import logging
import platform
import sys
import time
import uuid
from base64 import standard_b64encode as b64
from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, cast

import requests
import requests.utils
from dagster import (
    _check as check,
from dagster._core.definitions.resource_definition import ResourceDefinition
from dagster._core.utils import coerce_valid_log_level

from ..dbt_resource import DbtResource
from .types import DbtRpcOutput
from .utils import is_fatal_code

[docs]class DbtRpcResource(DbtResource): """A client for a dbt RPC server. To use this as a dagster resource, we recommend using :func:`dbt_rpc_resource <dagster_dbt.dbt_rpc_resource>`. """ def __init__( self, host: str = "", port: int = 8580, jsonrpc_version: str = "2.0", logger: Optional[Any] = None, **_, ): """Constructor. Args: host (str): The IP address of the host of the dbt RPC server. Default is ``""``. port (int): The port of the dbt RPC server. Default is ``8580``. jsonrpc_version (str): The JSON-RPC version to send in RPC requests. Default is ``"2.0"``. logger (Optional[Any]): A property for injecting a logger dependency. Default is ``None``. """ check.str_param(host, "host") check.int_param(port, "port") check.str_param(jsonrpc_version, "jsonrpc_version") self._host = host self._port = port self._jsonrpc_version = jsonrpc_version super().__init__(logger) @staticmethod def _construct_user_agent() -> str: """A helper method to construct a standard User-Agent string to be used in HTTP request headers. Returns: str: The constructed User-Agent value. """ client = "dagster/dbt-rpc-client" python_version = ( f"Python/{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}.{sys.version_info.micro}" ) system_info = f"{platform.system()}/{platform.release()}" user_agent = " ".join([python_version, client, system_info]) return user_agent def _construct_headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Constructs a standard set of headers for HTTP requests. Returns: Dict[str, str]: The HTTP request headers. """ headers = requests.utils.default_headers() headers["User-Agent"] = self._construct_user_agent() headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" headers["Accept"] = "application/json" return cast(Dict[str, str], headers) def _post(self, data: Optional[str] = None) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Constructs and sends a POST request to the dbt RPC server. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ headers = self._construct_headers() try: response =, headers=headers, data=data) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: if is_fatal_code(e): raise e else: raise RetryRequested(max_retries=5, seconds_to_wait=30) return DbtRpcOutput(response) def _get_result(self, data: Optional[str] = None) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Constructs and sends a POST request to the dbt RPC server. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ return self._post(data) def _default_request( self, method: str, params: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Constructs a standard HTTP request body, to be sent to a dbt RPC server. Args: method (str): a dbt RPC method. Returns: Dict: the constructed HTTP request body. """ data = { "jsonrpc": self.jsonrpc_version, "method": method, "id": str(uuid.uuid1()), "params": params or {}, } return data @property def host(self) -> str: """str: The IP address of the host of the dbt RPC server.""" return self._host @property def port(self) -> int: """int: The port of the dbt RPC server.""" return self._port @property def jsonrpc_version(self) -> str: """str: The JSON-RPC version to send in RPC requests.""" return self._jsonrpc_version @property def logger(self) -> logging.Logger: """logging.Logger: A property for injecting a logger dependency.""" return self._logger @property def url(self) -> str: """str: The URL for sending dbt RPC requests.""" return f"http://{}:{self.port}/jsonrpc" def status(self): """Sends a request with the method ``status`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for the RPC method `status <>`_. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ data = self._default_request(method="status") return self._post(data=json.dumps(data)) def ls( self, select: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, models: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, exclude: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``list`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for `list <>`_. Args: select (List[str], optional): the resources to include in the output. models (List[str], optional): the models to include in the output. exclude (List[str]), optional): the resources to exclude from compilation. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ explicit_params = dict(models=models, exclude=exclude) params = self._format_params({**explicit_params, **kwargs}) data = self._default_request(method="list", params=params) return self._get_result(data=json.dumps(data)) def poll(self, request_token: str, logs: bool = False, logs_start: int = 0) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``poll`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for the RPC method `poll <>`_. Args: request_token (str): the token to poll responses for. logs (bool): Whether logs should be returned in the response. Defaults to ``False``. logs_start (int): The zero-indexed log line to fetch logs from. Defaults to ``0``. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ data = self._default_request(method="poll") data["params"] = {"request_token": request_token, "logs": logs, "logs_start": logs_start} return self._post(data=json.dumps(data)) def ps(self, completed: bool = False) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``ps`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for the RPC method `ps <>`_. Args: compelted (bool): If ``True``, then also return completed tasks. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ data = self._default_request(method="ps") data["params"] = {"completed": completed} return self._post(data=json.dumps(data)) def kill(self, task_id: str) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``kill`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for the RPC method `kill <>`_. Args: task_id (str): the ID of the task to terminate. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ data = self._default_request(method="kill") data["params"] = {"task_id": task_id} return self._post(data=json.dumps(data)) def cli(self, command: str, **kwargs) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with CLI syntax to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for `running CLI commands via RPC <>`_. Args: cli (str): a dbt command in CLI syntax. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ params = self._format_params({"cli": command, **kwargs}) data = self._default_request(method="cli_args", params=params) return self._get_result(data=json.dumps(data)) def compile( self, models: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, exclude: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``compile`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for `compiling projects via RPC <>`_. Args: models (List[str], optional): the models to include in compilation. exclude (List[str]), optional): the models to exclude from compilation. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ explicit_params = dict(models=models, exclude=exclude) params = self._format_params({**explicit_params, **kwargs}) data = self._default_request(method="compile", params=params) return self._get_result(data=json.dumps(data)) def run( self, models: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, exclude: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``run`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for the RPC method `run <>`_. Args: models (List[str], optional): the models to include in the run. exclude (List[str]), optional): the models to exclude from the run. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ explicit_params = dict(models=models, exclude=exclude) params = self._format_params({**explicit_params, **kwargs}) data = self._default_request(method="run", params=params) return self._get_result(data=json.dumps(data)) def snapshot( self, select: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, exclude: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``snapshot`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for the command `snapshot <>`_. Args: select (List[str], optional): the snapshots to include in the run. exclude (List[str], optional): the snapshots to exclude from the run. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ explicit_params = dict(select=select, exclude=exclude) params = self._format_params({**explicit_params, **kwargs}) data = self._default_request(method="snapshot", params=params) return self._get_result(data=json.dumps(data)) def test( self, models: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, exclude: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, data: bool = True, schema: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``test`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for the RPC method `test <>`_. Args: models (List[str], optional): the models to include in testing. exclude (List[str], optional): the models to exclude from testing. data (bool, optional): If ``True`` (default), then run data tests. schema (bool, optional): If ``True`` (default), then run schema tests. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ explicit_params = dict(models=models, exclude=exclude, data=data, schema=schema) params = self._format_params({**explicit_params, **kwargs}) request_data = self._default_request(method="test", params=params) return self._get_result(data=json.dumps(request_data)) def seed( self, show: bool = False, select: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, exclude: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``seed`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for the RPC method `seed <>`_. Args: show (bool, optional): If ``True``, then show a sample of the seeded data in the response. Defaults to ``False``. select (List[str], optional): the snapshots to include in the run. exclude (List[str], optional): the snapshots to exclude from the run. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ data = self._default_request(method="seed") params: Dict[str, Any] = {"show": show} if kwargs is not None: params["task_tags"] = kwargs data["params"] = params return self._get_result(data=json.dumps(data)) def generate_docs( self, compile_project: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``docs.generate`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for the RPC method `docs.generate <>`_. Args: compile_project (bool, optional): If true, compile the project before generating a catalog. """ explicit_params = dict(compile=compile_project) params = self._format_params({**explicit_params, **kwargs}) data = self._default_request(method="docs.generate", params=params) return self._get_result(data=json.dumps(data)) def run_operation( self, macro: str, args: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs ) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``run-operation`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for the command `run-operation <>`_. Args: macro (str): the dbt macro to invoke. args (Dict[str, Any], optional): the keyword arguments to be supplied to the macro. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ explicit_params = dict(macro=macro, args=args) params = self._format_params({**explicit_params, **kwargs}) data = self._default_request(method="run-operation", params=params) return self._get_result(data=json.dumps(data)) def snapshot_freshness(self, select: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, **kwargs) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``snapshot-freshness`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for the command `source snapshot-freshness <>`_. Args: select (List[str], optional): the models to include in calculating snapshot freshness. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ explicit_params = dict(select=select) params = self._format_params({**explicit_params, **kwargs}) data = self._default_request(method="snapshot-freshness", params=params) return self._get_result(data=json.dumps(data)) def compile_sql(self, sql: str, name: str) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``compile_sql`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for `compiling SQL via RPC <>`_. Args: sql (str): the SQL to compile in base-64 encoding. name (str): a name for the compiled SQL. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ explicit_params = dict(sql=b64(sql.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8"), name=name) params = self._format_params(explicit_params) data = self._default_request(method="compile_sql", params=params) return self._get_result(data=json.dumps(data)) def run_sql(self, sql: str, name: str) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request with the method ``run_sql`` to the dbt RPC server, and returns the response. For more details, see the dbt docs for `running SQL via RPC <>`_. Args: sql (str): the SQL to run in base-64 encoding. name (str): a name for the compiled SQL. Returns: Response: the HTTP response from the dbt RPC server. """ explicit_params = dict(sql=b64(sql.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8"), name=name) params = self._format_params(explicit_params) data = self._default_request(method="run_sql", params=params) return self._get_result(data=json.dumps(data)) def build(self, select: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, **kwargs) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Run the ``build`` command on a dbt project. kwargs are passed in as additional parameters. Args: select (List[str], optional): the models/resources to include in the run. Returns: DbtOutput: object containing parsed output from dbt """ ... raise NotImplementedError() def get_run_results_json(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]: """Get a parsed version of the run_results.json file for the relevant dbt project. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: dictionary containing the parsed contents of the run_results json file for this dbt project. """ ... raise NotImplementedError() def get_manifest_json(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]: """Get a parsed version of the manifest.json file for the relevant dbt project. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: dictionary containing the parsed contents of the manifest json file for this dbt project. """ ... raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class DbtRpcSyncResource(DbtRpcResource): def __init__( self, host: str = "", port: int = 8580, jsonrpc_version: str = "2.0", logger: Optional[Any] = None, poll_interval: int = 1, **_, ): """Constructor. Args: host (str): The IP address of the host of the dbt RPC server. Default is ``""``. port (int): The port of the dbt RPC server. Default is ``8580``. jsonrpc_version (str): The JSON-RPC version to send in RPC requests. Default is ``"2.0"``. logger (Optional[Any]): A property for injecting a logger dependency. Default is ``None``. poll_interval (int): The polling interval in seconds. """ super().__init__(host, port, jsonrpc_version, logger) self.poll_interval = poll_interval def _get_result(self, data: Optional[str] = None) -> DbtRpcOutput: """Sends a request to the dbt RPC server and continuously polls for the status of a request until the state is ``success``. """ out = super()._get_result(data) request_token: str = check.not_none(out.result.get("request_token")) logs_start = 0 elapsed_time = -1 current_state = None while True: out = self.poll( request_token=request_token, logs=True, logs_start=logs_start, ) logs = out.result.get("logs", []) for log in logs: self.logger.log( msg=log["message"], level=coerce_valid_log_level(log.get("levelname", "INFO")), extra=log.get("extra"), ) logs_start += len(logs) current_state = out.result.get("state") # Stop polling if request's state is no longer "running". if current_state != "running": break elapsed_time = out.result.get("elapsed", 0) # Sleep for the configured time interval before polling again. time.sleep(self.poll_interval) if current_state != "success": raise Failure( description=( f"Request {request_token} finished with state '{current_state}' in " f"{elapsed_time} seconds" ), ) return out
[docs]@resource( description="A resource representing a dbt RPC client.", config_schema={ "host": Field(StringSource), "port": Field(IntSource, is_required=False, default_value=8580), }, ) def dbt_rpc_resource(context) -> DbtRpcResource: """This resource defines a dbt RPC client. To configure this resource, we recommend using the `configured <>`_ method. Examples: .. code-block:: python from dagster_dbt import dbt_rpc_resource custom_dbt_rpc_resource = dbt_rpc_resource.configured({"host": "","port": 8080,}) @job(resource_defs={"dbt_rpc": custom_dbt_rpc_sync_resource}) def dbt_rpc_job(): # Run ops with `required_resource_keys={"dbt_rpc", ...}`. """ return DbtRpcResource( host=context.resource_config["host"], port=context.resource_config["port"] )
[docs]@resource( description="A resource representing a synchronous dbt RPC client.", config_schema={ "host": Field(StringSource), "port": Field(IntSource, is_required=False, default_value=8580), "poll_interval": Field(IntSource, is_required=False, default_value=1), }, ) def dbt_rpc_sync_resource( context, ) -> DbtRpcSyncResource: """This resource defines a synchronous dbt RPC client, which sends requests to a dbt RPC server, and waits for the request to complete before returning. To configure this resource, we recommend using the `configured <>`_ method. Examples: .. code-block:: python from dagster_dbt import dbt_rpc_sync_resource custom_sync_dbt_rpc_resource = dbt_rpc_sync_resource.configured({"host": "","port": 8080,}) @job(resource_defs={"dbt_rpc": custom_dbt_rpc_sync_resource}) def dbt_rpc_sync_job(): # Run ops with `required_resource_keys={"dbt_rpc", ...}`. """ return DbtRpcSyncResource( host=context.resource_config["host"], port=context.resource_config["port"], poll_interval=context.resource_config["poll_interval"], )
local_dbt_rpc_resource = cast( ResourceDefinition, dbt_rpc_resource.configured({"host": "", "port": 8580}) ) local_dbt_rpc_resource.__doc__ = """This resource defines a dbt RPC client for an RPC server running on"""