Source code for dagster._core.definitions.time_window_partition_mapping

from datetime import datetime
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, cast

import dagster._check as check
from dagster._annotations import PublicAttr
from dagster._core.definitions.partition import PartitionsDefinition, PartitionsSubset
from dagster._core.definitions.partition_key_range import PartitionKeyRange
from dagster._core.definitions.partition_mapping import PartitionMapping
from dagster._core.definitions.time_window_partitions import (
from dagster._core.errors import DagsterInvalidDefinitionError
from dagster._core.instance import DynamicPartitionsStore
from dagster._serdes import whitelist_for_serdes

[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes class TimeWindowPartitionMapping( PartitionMapping, NamedTuple( "_TimeWindowPartitionMapping", [("start_offset", PublicAttr[int]), ("end_offset", PublicAttr[int])], ), ): """The default mapping between two TimeWindowPartitionsDefinitions. A partition in the downstream partitions definition is mapped to all partitions in the upstream asset whose time windows overlap it. This means that, if the upstream and downstream partitions definitions share the same time period, then this mapping is essentially the identity partition mapping - plus conversion of datetime formats. If the upstream time period is coarser than the downstream time period, then each partition in the downstream asset will map to a single (larger) upstream partition. E.g. if the downstream is hourly and the upstream is daily, then each hourly partition in the downstream will map to the daily partition in the upstream that contains that hour. If the upstream time period is finer than the downstream time period, then each partition in the downstream asset will map to multiple upstream partitions. E.g. if the downstream is daily and the upstream is hourly, then each daily partition in the downstream asset will map to the 24 hourly partitions in the upstream that occur on that day. Attributes: start_offset (int): If not 0, then the starts of the upstream windows are shifted by this offset relative to the starts of the downstream windows. For example, if start_offset=-1 and end_offset=0, then the downstream partition "2022-07-04" would map to the upstream partitions "2022-07-03" and "2022-07-04". Only permitted to be non-zero when the upstream and downstream PartitionsDefinitions are the same. Defaults to 0. end_offset (int): If not 0, then the ends of the upstream windows are shifted by this offset relative to the ends of the downstream windows. For example, if start_offset=0 and end_offset=1, then the downstream partition "2022-07-04" would map to the upstream partitions "2022-07-04" and "2022-07-05". Only permitted to be non-zero when the upstream and downstream PartitionsDefinitions are the same. Defaults to 0. Examples: .. code-block:: python from dagster import DailyPartitionsDefinition, TimeWindowPartitionMapping, AssetIn, asset partitions_def = DailyPartitionsDefinition(start_date="2020-01-01") @asset(partitions_def=partitions_def) def asset1(): ... @asset( partitions_def=partitions_def, ins={ "asset1": AssetIn( partition_mapping=TimeWindowPartitionMapping(start_offset=-1) ) } ) def asset2(asset1): ... """ def __new__(cls, start_offset: int = 0, end_offset: int = 0): return super(TimeWindowPartitionMapping, cls).__new__( cls, start_offset=check.int_param(start_offset, "start_offset"), end_offset=check.int_param(end_offset, "end_offset"), ) def get_upstream_partitions_for_partition_range( self, downstream_partition_key_range: Optional[PartitionKeyRange], downstream_partitions_def: Optional[PartitionsDefinition], upstream_partitions_def: PartitionsDefinition, ) -> PartitionKeyRange: raise NotImplementedError() def get_upstream_partitions_for_partitions( self, downstream_partitions_subset: Optional[PartitionsSubset], upstream_partitions_def: PartitionsDefinition, dynamic_partitions_store: Optional[DynamicPartitionsStore] = None, ) -> PartitionsSubset: if not isinstance(downstream_partitions_subset, TimeWindowPartitionsSubset): check.failed("downstream_partitions_subset must be a TimeWindowPartitionsSubset") return self._map_partitions( downstream_partitions_subset.partitions_def, upstream_partitions_def, downstream_partitions_subset, self.start_offset, self.end_offset, ) def get_downstream_partitions_for_partition_range( self, upstream_partition_key_range: PartitionKeyRange, downstream_partitions_def: Optional[PartitionsDefinition], upstream_partitions_def: PartitionsDefinition, ) -> PartitionKeyRange: raise NotImplementedError() def get_downstream_partitions_for_partitions( self, upstream_partitions_subset: PartitionsSubset, downstream_partitions_def: Optional[PartitionsDefinition], dynamic_partitions_store: Optional[DynamicPartitionsStore] = None, ) -> PartitionsSubset: if not isinstance(downstream_partitions_def, TimeWindowPartitionsDefinition): check.failed("downstream_partitions_def must be a TimeWindowPartitionsDefinitions") if not isinstance(upstream_partitions_subset, TimeWindowPartitionsSubset): check.failed("upstream_partitions_subset must be a TimeWindowPartitionsSubset") return self._map_partitions( upstream_partitions_subset.partitions_def, downstream_partitions_def, upstream_partitions_subset, -self.start_offset, -self.end_offset, ) def _map_partitions( self, from_partitions_def: PartitionsDefinition, to_partitions_def: PartitionsDefinition, from_partitions_subset: TimeWindowPartitionsSubset, start_offset: int, end_offset: int, ) -> PartitionsSubset: if not isinstance(from_partitions_def, TimeWindowPartitionsDefinition) or not isinstance( to_partitions_def, TimeWindowPartitionsDefinition ): raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( "TimeWindowPartitionMappings can only operate on TimeWindowPartitionsDefinitions" ) # mypy requires this for some reason from_partitions_def = cast(TimeWindowPartitionsDefinition, from_partitions_def) to_partitions_def = cast(TimeWindowPartitionsDefinition, to_partitions_def) if start_offset != 0 or end_offset != 0: check.invariant( from_partitions_def.cron_schedule == to_partitions_def.cron_schedule, "Offset can't be used when cron schedules don't match", ) if to_partitions_def.timezone != from_partitions_def.timezone: raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError("Timezones don't match") # skip fancy mapping logic in the simple case if to_partitions_def == from_partitions_def and start_offset == 0 and end_offset == 0: return from_partitions_subset time_windows = [] for from_partition_time_window in from_partitions_subset.included_time_windows: from_start_dt, from_end_dt = from_partition_time_window offsetted_start_dt = _offsetted_datetime( from_partitions_def, from_start_dt, start_offset ) offsetted_end_dt = _offsetted_datetime(from_partitions_def, from_end_dt, end_offset) to_start_partition_key = ( to_partitions_def.get_partition_key_for_timestamp( offsetted_start_dt.timestamp(), end_closed=False ) if offsetted_start_dt is not None else None ) to_end_partition_key = ( to_partitions_def.get_partition_key_for_timestamp( offsetted_end_dt.timestamp(), end_closed=True ) if offsetted_end_dt is not None else None ) if to_start_partition_key is not None or to_end_partition_key is not None: window_start = ( to_partitions_def.start_time_for_partition_key(to_start_partition_key) if to_start_partition_key else cast(TimeWindow, to_partitions_def.get_first_partition_window()).start ) window_end = ( to_partitions_def.end_time_for_partition_key(to_end_partition_key) if to_end_partition_key else cast(TimeWindow, to_partitions_def.get_last_partition_window()).end ) time_windows.append(TimeWindow(window_start, window_end)) return TimeWindowPartitionsSubset( to_partitions_def, num_partitions=sum( len(to_partitions_def.get_partition_keys_in_time_window(time_window)) for time_window in time_windows ), included_time_windows=time_windows, )
def _offsetted_datetime( partitions_def: TimeWindowPartitionsDefinition, dt: datetime, offset: int ) -> Optional[datetime]: for _ in range(abs(offset)): if offset < 0: prev_window = partitions_def.get_prev_partition_window(dt) if prev_window is None: return None dt = prev_window.start else: # TODO: what if we're at the end of the line? next_window = partitions_def.get_next_partition_window(dt) if next_window is None: return None dt = next_window.end return dt