from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Mapping, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence
import dagster._check as check
from dagster._annotations import PublicAttr
from import AssetKey
from import DagsterRun, DagsterRunStatus
from dagster._serdes.serdes import whitelist_for_serdes
from dagster._utils.error import SerializableErrorInfo
class InstigatorType(Enum):
class SkipReason(NamedTuple("_SkipReason", [("skip_message", PublicAttr[Optional[str]])])):
"""Represents a skipped evaluation, where no runs are requested. May contain a message to indicate
why no runs were requested.
skip_message (Optional[str]): A message displayed in dagit for why this evaluation resulted
in no requested runs.
def __new__(cls, skip_message: Optional[str] = None):
return super(SkipReason, cls).__new__(
skip_message=check.opt_str_param(skip_message, "skip_message"),
class RunRequest(
("run_key", PublicAttr[Optional[str]]),
("run_config", PublicAttr[Mapping[str, Any]]),
("tags", PublicAttr[Mapping[str, str]]),
("job_name", PublicAttr[Optional[str]]),
("asset_selection", PublicAttr[Optional[Sequence[AssetKey]]]),
("stale_assets_only", PublicAttr[bool]),
"""Represents all the information required to launch a single run. Must be returned by a
SensorDefinition or ScheduleDefinition's evaluation function for a run to be launched.
To build a run request for a particular partitition, use
run_key (Optional[str]): A string key to identify this launched run. For sensors, ensures that
only one run is created per run key across all sensor evaluations. For schedules,
ensures that one run is created per tick, across failure recoveries. Passing in a `None`
value means that a run will always be launched per evaluation.
run_config (Optional[Dict]): The config that parameterizes the run execution to
be launched, as a dict.
tags (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): A dictionary of tags (string key-value pairs) to attach
to the launched run.
job_name (Optional[str]): (Experimental) The name of the job this run request will launch.
Required for sensors that target multiple jobs.
asset_selection (Optional[Sequence[AssetKey]]): A sequence of AssetKeys that should be
launched with this run.
stale_assets_only (Optional[Sequence[AssetKey]]): Set to true to further narrow the asset
selection to stale assets. If passed without an asset selection, all stale assets in the
job will be materialized. If the job does not materialize assets, this flag is ignored.
def __new__(
run_key: Optional[str] = None,
run_config: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
job_name: Optional[str] = None,
asset_selection: Optional[Sequence[AssetKey]] = None,
stale_assets_only: bool = False,
return super(RunRequest, cls).__new__(
run_key=check.opt_str_param(run_key, "run_key"),
run_config=check.opt_mapping_param(run_config, "run_config", key_type=str),
tags=check.opt_mapping_param(tags, "tags", key_type=str, value_type=str),
job_name=check.opt_str_param(job_name, "job_name"),
asset_selection, "asset_selection", of_type=AssetKey
stale_assets_only=check.bool_param(stale_assets_only, "stale_assets_only"),
def partition_key(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.tags.get(PARTITION_NAME_TAG)
def with_replaced_attrs(self, **kwargs: Any) -> "RunRequest":
fields = self._asdict()
for k in fields.keys():
if k in kwargs:
fields[k] = kwargs[k]
return RunRequest(**fields)
class PipelineRunReaction(
("pipeline_run", Optional[DagsterRun]),
("error", Optional[SerializableErrorInfo]),
("run_status", Optional[DagsterRunStatus]),
"""Represents a request that reacts to an existing pipeline run. If success, it will report logs
back to the run.
pipeline_run (Optional[PipelineRun]): The pipeline run that originates this reaction.
error (Optional[SerializableErrorInfo]): user code execution error.
run_status: (Optional[PipelineRunStatus]): The run status that triggered the reaction.
def __new__(
pipeline_run: Optional[DagsterRun],
error: Optional[SerializableErrorInfo] = None,
run_status: Optional[DagsterRunStatus] = None,
return super(PipelineRunReaction, cls).__new__(
pipeline_run=check.opt_inst_param(pipeline_run, "pipeline_run", DagsterRun),
error=check.opt_inst_param(error, "error", SerializableErrorInfo),
run_status=check.opt_inst_param(run_status, "run_status", DagsterRunStatus),